Sunday, September 11, 2011

DKB First

What inspired me to chose creating a new outerwear company was my love for skiing and the lack of outerwear companies that have coats and apparel that are appealing to the freeskier. Last year I entered a contest do design any article of clothing that I wanted to for a company called first drop outerwear. Unfortunately I did not win but did place high in a field of 350 people. Being able to create all of the things that my friends and I wanted to see in a product was a lot of fun and really made me think about how much time goes into creating a simple bandana.

Technology is going to have a big roll in getting this line out there and in the design department too. The two main programs that I will be using in design is Photoshop and Illustrator. These programs are my favorite to use whenever I'm bored and have nothing to do. You can do so many different things such as effects, shapes, color, 3D, filters, etc. I have spent days on some of my projects and it has been well worth it. For me, these programs are the hardest to use at first but after a wile you get use to things and everything becomes very easy.I have already designed a logo for this company in Illustrator and will eventually start creating new products starting with simple stuff like t-shirts and hats and then work my way up to the outerwear.

Social media is whats going to make or brake this company. DKB will eventually be on all types of social media besides myspace only because myspace is dead! Facebook, twitter, and youtube/vimeo is going to be a big help on getting the label out there. Facebook is always good with advertising and will be a good place to drop the new stuff I come out with be sides the company's website. Everyone loves twitter simply because it is short and to the point. Perfect for just random things that we will be doing such as when we are coming out with new product or idea suggestions or when we have give a ways or contests, just stuff like that. Youtube and vimeo is where we will have all of our skiing videos of people wearing our product so the viewers can see how much style DKB products have.


  1. I think you are on to a good start with the clothing company- Congrats on the good placement in the design competition. I think beyond traditional social media you could also look into niche retail sites that have a following of the community that you are going after. I would look into marketing this similar to how smaller underground clothing brands position and market themselves.

  2. Great idea. I would definitely be interested in purchasing your gear. I agree there are not enough steezy the outwear companies. You should definitely pursue this endeavor.

  3. Love the idea! My question to you is what are other ways you can promote your idea besides through social media websites? I think if you could get an add in a skiers magazine that would be totally awesome! Also for Youtube, you could compare your new product with your design logo (DKB) to other ski design logos and how yours is def way better! That could persuade customers to buy your product as well.
