Monday, October 31, 2011

Final Blog!!!

 To begin with, this was probably one of the best projects that I have ever done because it was a of fun to come up with ideas on how to improve my business in a technological aspect. For all of the things we covered dung the project, I learned something new about each one of them. If I do ending starting the company, I know now all of the dews and don'ts when related to technology. My company hasn't really evolved  that much during this because I already had all the ideas in my head but just needed an opportunity to put them in action. All in all, I've learned a lot through this proses that I wouldn't think I'd need to know or even existed.

Below is the three URLs of the people that I commented on!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Finally!!! It took us long enough but we changed our email protocol from POP to IMAP! This just saved everyone at DKB a ton of confusion whenever they want to check their email on a different device or computer. If you don't know the difference between the two, I'll fill you in. POP stands for Post Office Protocol. Whenever we would get an email, it would stay on the server until we opened it then it would be stored on whatever we opened it on (ie. computer, phone, iPod). If we would want to see it on something different, we couldn't because isn't on the server anymore. IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. This is what saves us the confusion when using different devices. The email that you get stays on the same server until you delete it! So that means you can check it on whatever you want, whenever you want.

 As you can tell, at the moment DKB doesn't have a full web site, just a Facebook page and this blog. Coming up with a domain name can be more changing then it seems. You got to make sure that a major company dose not have it already and also it isn't in any way conflicting with them too. Fortunately no one on the web has the name DKBouterwear! So that's not a problem. But if you didn't have that unique of a name, then you may be out of luck.

Talking about domain names, here's a little get rich fast scheme that  I'll leave you with that could work or just fail hard. This is all you got to do. Think of something that could become the new thing and make a lot of money. Then buy a domain name with that as your domain. You just need to wait a little and sit on it and if your lucky then whatever it is becomes big will want to buy that name and will offer you some $$$$. Hopefully this works and makes you bank!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Twotip, In freeskiing we trust

This weeks blog is going to be my review of a professional blogger. Twotip is one of the most common freeskiing blogs out there. If there's ever an update on anything related to skiing, its on there. The day to day blogs rang from a full review on new products, either written or video, photo shoots for a company, or feature skiing videos and trailers for up and coming ski movies. Today's blog was a photo shoot for Salomon skis in Poland. With the 2011-2012 ski season beginning soon , there is a lot of ski movies coming out shout from last season so a lot of the resent blog's have been trailers for those movies. What I found most interesting on this blog is how they they to promote up and coming skiers by posting there edits on the blog and adding them to the Twotip team. That pretty much sums up everything on the blog. I will continue going to this blog to get my latest information on skiing.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Photoshop...and everthing else

Probably the most addicting computer program out there that's not World of World Craft or Mindcraft or any computer game. I don't know how many countless hours I've spent on Photoshop doing the most random stuff and it ending up looking like a professional design. For instance, I thought it was a good idea to fool around with a map of the world. It was suppose to only be a half hour long brake but it ended up into a 4 hour project. This gave me an idea for a new coat design so of couse I had to applied it to one of my templates and came up with this. There is still some tweaks I have to do but its a good idea of what it looks like.
  Of course, I still use Photoshop as a serious program vs something to just kill time in or because I want to see what would happen if I do this and this to a picture. I like to edit all of my skiing photos and add cool effects to them. The best part of this program is that there is no limit to what you can do to one thing. Well actual there is. That point is when the picture looks like crap. Going back to the serious program part; It can take 30 seconds to for days to come up with a new design. Using Photoshop can convert you idea that you spent all that time on into reality.

Time for the everything else part. Basically, all that "everything else" is is a little information on audio for all of you car audio junkies. If you don't already know the difference between WAU and MP3 files, here you go. The only difference between the two is a WAU file is uncompressed. This means that you hear all of the raw sounds from mixing programs when recording. When a WAU file is converted into a MP3 file, it  compresses the audio, getting ride of all the raw sound. This practice is called Lossy compression, throwing away the average frequency that humans can't hear. What this means to you bass junkies is if you get your hands on a WAU file, you can tweak the fill to add for bass!


Monday, October 3, 2011

The furture....

Everything just became a hole lot easier with inventory and advertising when we found out about RFID and QR codes. We know are able to become even more lazy when doing are inventory. RFID is cheep and simple and saves a bunch of time in our very busy schedules of shreding on the mountain. Also we are now able to tag everything on the mountain with a QR code to lead people to our website and products.

If you don't already know what a RFID is then you must live under a rock (jk) but it is a radio frequency I.D. What it does is transmits what ever information that is programed on the chip so you can tracking it and get information about whatever the chip is one. With this we can track everything and anything we have!(Comes in handy when we want to track our interns and surprise them (; ). On a serious note, we have passive RFID in all of our products now so that wen we get an order of anything, we just have do put the box through our scanner and it will tell us what ever is in it. The passive part means that we are able to scan it only if the tag is within 5 meters of the scanner.

QR codes are kind of new but we are seeing more and more of them as we move on into the future. The QR stands for quick response and what you do is download any one of the free barcode scanning apps on your smart phone and take a picture of the barcode. Then what happens is instantly you are brought to whatever is programed to the code. Try scanning this code that will bring you to the best skiing site ever!! This is a quick and free way of getting your advertising other there. Our plan is to make our DKB stickers with a QR code and have either a promotion or just our website when you scan then.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Our new find!

Recently DKB outerwear has updated all of our computers and built a few of our own just because we had nothing else better to do. When we came to picking out hard drives, we thought it was a good idea and by them used of the web. After they were shipped, someone told me about that nothing on a used hard drive is really deleted and it will always be there until you destroy it. A few down loads later and we recovered everything on both hard drives and you wouldn't believe what we found!

Turns out that one of the drives had two owners and one of them was Saga outerwear before they hit big. I found all of there original designs and then some! They had some really good ideas that were never released and would probably make a killing if were. Also I found some other logo ideas and other design that aren't really a big deal, but what really is a big deal was finding all of there sales with information from consumers such as credit cards, address, phone numbers and what they ordered. Whats even a bigger deal then all of that was the owners took out a credit card in the company's name...that means I have all of the info I need to bankrupt Saga, but being nice people and believing in karma and everything, we simply just told them about the hole situation and they were happy with it. We all got new Saga outwear and in the future make sure to look for a DKB Saga collaboration project.

The other hard drive I brought wasn't all that interesting because it was owned by just a normal person. All I could come up with was some address, credit card numbers and any other things that you would imagine would be on a persons computer. The lesion here is never sell your old hard drive no mater what. The easy thing to do it just have fun destroying it! Try it when you get a new computer. You do this by burning it (not so safe for the environment but gets the job done), smashing it to bits, or getting a really shredder and just put it through that.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Facebook protection PSA...and excal

Everyone knows how popular social media is and all of the perks that it can bring anyone and everyone. Everything good always comes with some bad things especially when it comes to security on any social media site but mostly Facebook. If you where to go onto Google right now and searched your name you would be surprised on all of the things you would find. Next from Google, go onto you Facebook and try to view anything on it....what can you see? As part of DKB outerwear, I would like to inform you on things you should watch out for.

Its very to hide all of the stuff that your seeing right now that you dint want anyone besides your friends see. Fist off, just log into Facebook and untag any pictures your in of your friends that you don't want to be in. Most of the time, Google images will find those pics and use them when someone searches your name. Second, you can go into your account privacy settings and change things so some people can't see certain things or so that they can. At DKB, we have everything open so that anyone can view our page and see all of our cool steezy pictures. The last thing that you can do to help protect your self with online safety and protection on social media is just don't post anything that you wouldn't want your grandparents to see! This is the easiest rule to follow. simply be careful of what you post, that means don't go on Facebook after a night of fun ;).

On a side note, we have diced to use excel as our main program on keeping inventory and orders. This is probably one of the easiest programs to use and will keep everything very organized so we don't lose any of your orders. From here, we are able to do virtually everything with that data given. Every month, we will be posting a review on the products that we sell the most of so that we can inform you on whats popular these days so that you can order them asap.