Monday, October 24, 2011


Finally!!! It took us long enough but we changed our email protocol from POP to IMAP! This just saved everyone at DKB a ton of confusion whenever they want to check their email on a different device or computer. If you don't know the difference between the two, I'll fill you in. POP stands for Post Office Protocol. Whenever we would get an email, it would stay on the server until we opened it then it would be stored on whatever we opened it on (ie. computer, phone, iPod). If we would want to see it on something different, we couldn't because isn't on the server anymore. IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. This is what saves us the confusion when using different devices. The email that you get stays on the same server until you delete it! So that means you can check it on whatever you want, whenever you want.

 As you can tell, at the moment DKB doesn't have a full web site, just a Facebook page and this blog. Coming up with a domain name can be more changing then it seems. You got to make sure that a major company dose not have it already and also it isn't in any way conflicting with them too. Fortunately no one on the web has the name DKBouterwear! So that's not a problem. But if you didn't have that unique of a name, then you may be out of luck.

Talking about domain names, here's a little get rich fast scheme that  I'll leave you with that could work or just fail hard. This is all you got to do. Think of something that could become the new thing and make a lot of money. Then buy a domain name with that as your domain. You just need to wait a little and sit on it and if your lucky then whatever it is becomes big will want to buy that name and will offer you some $$$$. Hopefully this works and makes you bank!!

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