Monday, October 10, 2011

Photoshop...and everthing else

Probably the most addicting computer program out there that's not World of World Craft or Mindcraft or any computer game. I don't know how many countless hours I've spent on Photoshop doing the most random stuff and it ending up looking like a professional design. For instance, I thought it was a good idea to fool around with a map of the world. It was suppose to only be a half hour long brake but it ended up into a 4 hour project. This gave me an idea for a new coat design so of couse I had to applied it to one of my templates and came up with this. There is still some tweaks I have to do but its a good idea of what it looks like.
  Of course, I still use Photoshop as a serious program vs something to just kill time in or because I want to see what would happen if I do this and this to a picture. I like to edit all of my skiing photos and add cool effects to them. The best part of this program is that there is no limit to what you can do to one thing. Well actual there is. That point is when the picture looks like crap. Going back to the serious program part; It can take 30 seconds to for days to come up with a new design. Using Photoshop can convert you idea that you spent all that time on into reality.

Time for the everything else part. Basically, all that "everything else" is is a little information on audio for all of you car audio junkies. If you don't already know the difference between WAU and MP3 files, here you go. The only difference between the two is a WAU file is uncompressed. This means that you hear all of the raw sounds from mixing programs when recording. When a WAU file is converted into a MP3 file, it  compresses the audio, getting ride of all the raw sound. This practice is called Lossy compression, throwing away the average frequency that humans can't hear. What this means to you bass junkies is if you get your hands on a WAU file, you can tweak the fill to add for bass!


1 comment:

  1. Initially your idea caught my attention because of the proposal of a new winter outerwear line for free skiers. To critique your blog I think you did very good job of keeping the reader entertained and wanting to read more by including topics that would spark their interests. You didn't just focus on the business aspect which may begin to bore the reader, especially for a company of this sort. Overall I think this entrepreneurial idea could thrive with the use of proper marketing techniques to get it off the ground. Mentioning the importance of photoshop in a design company I thought was interesting but I also think you could spice up the uses of RFID and QR technologies in your business.
