Monday, October 3, 2011

The furture....

Everything just became a hole lot easier with inventory and advertising when we found out about RFID and QR codes. We know are able to become even more lazy when doing are inventory. RFID is cheep and simple and saves a bunch of time in our very busy schedules of shreding on the mountain. Also we are now able to tag everything on the mountain with a QR code to lead people to our website and products.

If you don't already know what a RFID is then you must live under a rock (jk) but it is a radio frequency I.D. What it does is transmits what ever information that is programed on the chip so you can tracking it and get information about whatever the chip is one. With this we can track everything and anything we have!(Comes in handy when we want to track our interns and surprise them (; ). On a serious note, we have passive RFID in all of our products now so that wen we get an order of anything, we just have do put the box through our scanner and it will tell us what ever is in it. The passive part means that we are able to scan it only if the tag is within 5 meters of the scanner.

QR codes are kind of new but we are seeing more and more of them as we move on into the future. The QR stands for quick response and what you do is download any one of the free barcode scanning apps on your smart phone and take a picture of the barcode. Then what happens is instantly you are brought to whatever is programed to the code. Try scanning this code that will bring you to the best skiing site ever!! This is a quick and free way of getting your advertising other there. Our plan is to make our DKB stickers with a QR code and have either a promotion or just our website when you scan then.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job describing these different input/output devices (RFID, QR codes). However, you don't tie this back to how they can be used in the context of your idea. RFID in particular comes to mind. There are a number of ways retailers can use RFID tags to account for their merchandise. Perhaps some descriptions in the context of your idea would help facilitate additional insight.

    Also, how are other retailers using these input/output devices? Why does it make sense for them, but not necessarily for you? Why does it make sense for both?

    Answering these questions will help you to think critically.
